Wednesday, May 29, 2013


After the discussion of the end of Pesukei D'Zimra, VaYevarech David, let us look at the beginning of Pesukei D'Zimra, the Hodu prayer. It starts with a long citation of Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 8-36. This is called a psalm but it is a conglomerate of Tehilim 105, Tehilim 96, and a few others among which Tehilim 106 (41). From the latter is taken the famous "Blessed be Hashem, the G-d of Israel, from This World to the World to Come", to become Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 36.

Why is this remarkable? First of all, this verse seems to be the connection with VaYevarech David, also a citation of Divrei HaYamim, which has the verse "slightly" changed, as we saw. VaYevarech David starts, where Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 8-36 ends. Second, Divrei HaYamim claims that it is a psalm given by David to Asaf. In reality, the style is totally different (especially Tehilim 105) from David, and at most the verse from Tehilim 106 (41) is by him. It seems to be the agenda of Divrei HaYamim to connect the name of David to things he would never have said. To correct him, as it were, to make him politically correct. The truth, however, is stronger than political correctness.

Monday, May 27, 2013


The charedim go their own way now. They are convinced that the truth is with them. Know that this is the Nesira, and the purpose is to establish the truth. It cannot be stopped. There will be darkness, so that it will be clear who has the light.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Complete Our Return

Anshei Knesset HaGedolah revolutionized Judaism, making it into a religion that could survive Galut, without the Land. At the same time, something essential was lost: Nevuah.

The massive Teshuva that will be, will be towards a Judaism that has Nevuah. Nothing less will do. It will be a Teshuvah to the time before Anshei Knesset HaGedolah. A Teshuva towards a G-d that "existed" before, in Bayit Rishon, and has been waiting ever since, for His People to return.

Now we have returned, under influence of the Bnei Yosef. It is time to complete our return and become Bnei David.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Emet Achshav

G-d versus the G-d of Abraham, Yitschak, Yaakov.

Tehilim, the first book, versus all that came after.

Moshiach ben David versus Moshiach ben Yosef.

The female force versus the male force.

The real right versus the real left.

The full truth versus a partial incomplete truth.

The truth of the Geula versus the Halacha of the Galut.

Friday, May 17, 2013

מצפה דויד

The Mitspeh is finished, painted brown. A little extension gives the neighbors access.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The G-d of Israel

In Yevarech David, we find the following blessing. David said, "Blessed are You, Hashem, the G-d of Israel our forefather from This World to the World to Come." A quote from Divrei HaYamim I, 29:10.

In Tehilim 41, almost the same blessing appears: "Blessed be Hashem, the G-d of Israel, from This World to the world to Come."

It is as if Divrei HaYamim wants to resolve an ambiguity in the version of Tehilim. What is Israel? The Nation or the forefather? It is decided that Israel is the forefather, and not the Nation.

It is a "surprising" statement of Divrei HaYamim. It makes G-d into an ancient story. As the reader will understand, the truth is different. Altogether different.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


My son built me a Mitspeh, behind our house.