Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The G-d of Israel

In Yevarech David, we find the following blessing. David said, "Blessed are You, Hashem, the G-d of Israel our forefather from This World to the World to Come." A quote from Divrei HaYamim I, 29:10.

In Tehilim 41, almost the same blessing appears: "Blessed be Hashem, the G-d of Israel, from This World to the world to Come."

It is as if Divrei HaYamim wants to resolve an ambiguity in the version of Tehilim. What is Israel? The Nation or the forefather? It is decided that Israel is the forefather, and not the Nation.

It is a "surprising" statement of Divrei HaYamim. It makes G-d into an ancient story. As the reader will understand, the truth is different. Altogether different.