Wednesday, May 29, 2013


After the discussion of the end of Pesukei D'Zimra, VaYevarech David, let us look at the beginning of Pesukei D'Zimra, the Hodu prayer. It starts with a long citation of Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 8-36. This is called a psalm but it is a conglomerate of Tehilim 105, Tehilim 96, and a few others among which Tehilim 106 (41). From the latter is taken the famous "Blessed be Hashem, the G-d of Israel, from This World to the World to Come", to become Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 36.

Why is this remarkable? First of all, this verse seems to be the connection with VaYevarech David, also a citation of Divrei HaYamim, which has the verse "slightly" changed, as we saw. VaYevarech David starts, where Divrei HaYamim I, 16: 8-36 ends. Second, Divrei HaYamim claims that it is a psalm given by David to Asaf. In reality, the style is totally different (especially Tehilim 105) from David, and at most the verse from Tehilim 106 (41) is by him. It seems to be the agenda of Divrei HaYamim to connect the name of David to things he would never have said. To correct him, as it were, to make him politically correct. The truth, however, is stronger than political correctness.